Recent Developments

Ozon team is currently working hard. We have to have our new issue ready by this Friday, 2nd of March. All fashion editorials are layed out, the outcome is very pleasant! Ilias Tsepas' editorial in London had to be reduced, so many great pictures so little pages available by us! Shame! The picture you see is from London Fashion Week by an upcoming greek designer! More info in our fashion issue to come!
Good news regarding our advertising income. Staff Jeans is included in our clients' list, that is a recent development by our marketing manager Jacob. Staff Jeans is going to be seen in our fothcoming issue accompanied by Uniform Jeans, which are back to the greek market strong. Efi, our advertising director also brought Combo fashion company back to our clientele. That is so good!
Run Ideas company is going to upgrade and transform our website. We are so sorry we have abandoned it for such a long time. Run Ideas girls seem to be doing a great job so far, visit their site and you will be surprised!
Meanwhile artist Maria Antelman is working on our new tv commercial. She is carrying out all the procedure in San Fransisco, therefore there is a lot of email exchange between her and ozon. Panos C. Coutras, our beloved director, provides us with great ideas on how to put all those pictures together. Oh yes, ozon tv spot will look like a slide show. It will be presented at Mad TV on the March 15, same date that our website will be relaunched.
Preparing A Fashion Issue
We work hard on the next issue. The Model, it is called, inspired from Kraftwerk's advanced theme. It is a fashion issue, therefore we are working on some hot fashion editorials from our contributors based in New York and London. Two more shoots have been scheduled in Athens. This pic is a tiny sample of Nicolas Prakas shoot, styled by Sakis Stergidis. It took place in our quarters, believe it or not.
Orfeas Emirzas, our associate photographer came the other day to ozon, he was really pissed of. His photo is in the cover of this week's Lifo newspaper. He was never asked about it and never credited for it! Running a free press title is a hard thing, tight budgets, killing deadlines, blah blah... but those things should not happen.
Monday is a big day for ozon team. An new member is hoped to join our team. Kostas is joining our marketing department. More feedback on him will follow soon. We are all nervous and a bit curious because we do not know him at all. We met him during two brief interviews. Will he be one of us? Will he show us the money?
Love Will Tear Us Apart
Ozon February issue is out now! Joy Division's theme inspired us to create a dark, melancholic and sad issue. Interviews with Amalia Moutousi, Nikos Kouris, Tasos Bandis, Thanassis Sarantos, Caroline May, Vassilis Doupas, Olga Kouklaki, Kyros, Onirama, Zoi Pappa and Dimitra Vamiali. Also Thodoris Colovos contributed special interviews from New York with Neen artist Mai Ueda and music band Waldorf. Ozon February issue also includes a report on Bread & Butter Fair in Barcelona and the International Hemp (hash) Festival in Amsterdam!