Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

Ozon may issue is inspired by Edith Piaf's all time classic "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien". It is an issue dedicated to Paris, the french capital and to all those who have regreted their heart out!
Bruno Delaye (monsieur l' Ambassadeur of France in Athens), Diane Pernet (fashion icon), Guillaume Salmon (public relations for Colette Boutique) and Cedric Rivrain (Christian Dior illustrator) are the interviwees of this issue. Contributors: Artist Dimitra Vamiali reports on the 3rd Tate Triennial in London, Paris based photographer Christos Sarris captures his "Rien de Rien Girls" in Paris, photographer Yorgos Mavropoulos photographs a couple a Paris, artist Maria Antelman interviews unrepentant actress Mathildi Maggira in N.Y. & film director Panos H. Coutras regrets nothing! We hope you enjoy our Paris issue. Your comments are always welcome!
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